Travel Check-In

 Hi pals! 

I'm currently sitting in the Amsterdam Airport waiting from my breakfast and my next flight to Tanzania. Most of you are probably sleeping as it's the middle of the night back home. But I figured I would take the time to share a little more about how my practicum came to be and share some of the realities of leaving for two months.

My specialization is in Community and International Development (ICD), as such, an international practicum is an option, or so I thought when apply. Unfortunately, the global trauma of COVID hit, right as I was about to begin school. My dreams about an international practicum, went out the window. The world shut down and all my schooling and first practicum were online. So when Aamir (one of my favorite professors and the head of the ICD program) came to our class in early 2022 saying the school may have a partnership with the Tanzanian Children's Fund (TCF) I was instantly intrigued. 

The process of confirming the practicum took time, I had conversations with family, friends, and of course Lyndon. We chatted about what this would look like, if we could make it work financially, and if I should go for it. I luckily have an amazing support system that backed me through this journey. Special shoutout to Lyndon for having to put up with me when I was in my "mean" stage of stress... not a good look for me but he was patient and kind through it all. It has definitely felt like everything came together in the blink of an eye. Most of my planning and organizing of my travel and everything that revolves around that, has happened within the last month and a half. I am so grateful to have such amazing support from UofC and TCF. Everyone has been so helpful and supportive with my many inquiries and questions. 

I am so excited to have this opportunity and so excited to get to Tanzania. I have to be honest though, it wasn't all excitement and happiness. This past week I have cried more than I have this whole year, I have questioned why I thought I could leave for two months, and thought about just finding a way to not go. Leaving my comfort, my support, my family for two months is super scary. When I tell you I sobbed saying goodbye to my 4 pets I am not exaggerating... I had 3 of them on me and I was ugly crying as I hugged them all. But here we are.... I got on that plane and I'm doing something that terrifies me. 

I know this opportunity is one that I will never have again and even though it will be hard, I will get home sick, it is one that I know will change my life for the better.

Can't wait to share more will y'all soon!



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