2 weeks left!

Hi Pals,

Wow... how the time has flown by. I am officially leaving Tanzania in 2 weeks, and I feel like there is still so much to do and I hope I can finish it all. I ran my first workshop with the social workers, medical staff, and some education staff and it was amazing! It went so well and I received lots of positive feedback. I will facilitate two more workshops, one on how to talk to children and one on how to talk to youth about sexual violence. We will then, hopefully, run a pilot where the social workers do a workshop with the children. I am excited to see how it goes and hope that it is programming that can be used and adapted in the future.

I am unfortunately ill with strep throat. The medical officer checked me out and gave me some medication but it didn't seem to be working and my throat was still incredibly sore. Yesterday I went to FAME and they gave me new anti-biotics as well as a shot of something and that has seemed to help! I also took a nasty fall yesterday and have a massive scrape on my knee so the universe is just testing me in my last two weeks.

Susan and I decided to have an extended weekend (3 days instead of 1) and stayed over night at Gibb's. We rented a cottage and actually got upgraded to the Dutch House which was a two bedroom house that was so incredibly beautiful (and typically goes for $1800 usd/night), and trust me, we paid no where close to that. We enjoyed amazing food, I swam a lot and relaxed by the pool, and we enjoyed a farm tour where we harvested food for the next meal. I event saw a baboon right outside my bathroom window right after coming in from the outdoor shower! It was truly magical, I could have stayed a week.

I am having so many mixed feelings about leaving so soon. I am ready to be home with Lyndon and the boys but I am going to miss the kiddos and the friends that I have made. When I think about having to say goodbye to the kids, especially the girls in my house my heart aches and I can't help but tear up. I hope to be able to write the older girls I have made such strong bonds with, and another trip in the future may be needed. 


Coffee and hot chocolate on our veranda 

Maybe one of my favorite meals (other than the lamb curry when I first got here). 
Farm to table meal at Gibb's Farm

The outdoor, private, shower in my room

The Baboon I saw almost immediately after I got out of the outdoor shower 
(thank goodness not while I was in)

The harvest we collected

Just a small part of the herb garden at Gibb's
(they have acres and acres of land for their garden)


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