
Showing posts from November, 2022

Last Day

 Hi Pals, Wow! How has it been two months already? I am sitting here on Wednesday morning, finishing up packing before I head to the airport. The kids have school so I said goodbye to them already this morning, that was hard. I am so grateful that I can stay connected with them through letters and emails. I spent my last night in Serengeti House with the girls. We watched inside out, ate dinner, danced, and had lots of laughs. It was the perfect last night. Saying goodbye is hard, and I hope I can make it back again soon. I don't think the impact will fully hit me until I am back home for a few weeks. Right now I am mostly feeling sad, and my brain is all over the place so when I try to reflect on my time I am finding it hard. There are many other emotions mixed in there like excited to come home and see Lyndon and my babies. I can't wait to see Archie and Benny... I know they are going to lose their minds.  This experience has been incredible and I am so grateful for it. Thank

2 weeks left!

Hi Pals, Wow... how the time has flown by. I am officially leaving Tanzania in 2 weeks, and I feel like there is still so much to do and I hope I can finish it all. I ran my first workshop with the social workers, medical staff, and some education staff and it was amazing! It went so well and I received lots of positive feedback. I will facilitate two more workshops, one on how to talk to children and one on how to talk to youth about sexual violence. We will then, hopefully, run a pilot where the social workers do a workshop with the children. I am excited to see how it goes and hope that it is programming that can be used and adapted in the future. I am unfortunately ill with strep throat. The medical officer checked me out and gave me some medication but it didn't seem to be working and my throat was still incredibly sore. Yesterday I went to FAME and they gave me new anti-biotics as well as a shot of something and that has seemed to help! I also took a nasty fall yesterday and